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HomeJudicial District Change Information

Judicial District Change Information

JD 14 became JD 16 effective January 1, 2019.

Click to the NC State Bar Web Site for the detailed for the detailed original post.

According to the NC State Bar, because the change to the judicial district bar numbers is by operation of law, each judicial district bar is required to revise its bylaws to replace the district bar number wherever it appears. It was not necessary to obtain State Bar approval for these bylaw changes, but each district must send the revised version of the judicial district bylaws to the State Bar for their records. In addition, each district shall update its judicial district bar records to reflect the new judicial district bar number. The State Bar will amend its records.

In addition to revising the bylaws, each affected district must change the judicial district bar’s letterhead, signage, website, and promotional items, if any, to reflect the new district bar number.

Districts should ensure that these changes are in place when the law becomes effective on January 1, 2019.

Below are the JD 14 governing documents revised to reflect JD 16, which have been sent to the NC State Bar .

Bylaws-JD 14 Approved by NCSB 2015 edited to reflect JD 16

Bylaws-DCBA edited to refect JD 16

Bylaws-Foundation edited to reflect JD 16

Policies and Procedures of the Sixteenth JDB (available upon request from

Future invoices and formal notices will be updated as they are needed.